
Fireside Games Launches New Stringamajig Game

Stringamajig Fireside Games

Next time the gang comes over to play a game, challenge them to communicate only by animating a string! That’s the hilarious premise for Stringamajig from Fireside Games.


This device-free game is recommended for players ages 13 and beyond where players must talk or, better yet, shout as they guess what is being communicated wordlessly! Artistic ability is not required but knowing your players and how they think, abstractly, might be your secret weapon. You’ll get 60 seconds to use a loop of string to draw a shape, move it around, and interact with it to try and get the other players to guess your word. You’re trying to get them to guess as many words as you can in those 60 seconds. Each game box includes 1 loop of string, 140-word cards, 4 blank cards, a scorepad, a pencil, a 60-second sand timer and of course, a sheet of game rules.


With just a few moments to ponder, pick a card and then draw your word by using the loop of string to make a shape. Players are encouraged to interact with the “stringamajig” while the other players make guesses. Strum that Guitar or spin the rotors on your Helicopter!


“In a nutshell,” explains Justin De Witt Chief Creative Officer (CCO) of Fireside Games, “you pick your word, and then draw, move, and animate the string to get the other players to guess as many words as possible in 60 seconds. When ready, play changes with Challenge Words that have you drawing with another player in the air, drawing with your eyes closed, and avoiding forbidden words. One round lasts about 20 uproarious minutes!”


Podcaster Tom Vasel of The Dice Tower, who reviews just about every new game on the market, named Stringamajig to his Top 10 Party Games list. It’s not just game industry pros but friends and families who adore the challenge of Stringamajig. Here’s how four Amazon buyers described their experience:


“The words are anything from surfboard to squid, and it’s absolutely amazing that anyone can guess right with the horrible string interpretation of the words, but somehow, people can guess them!”


“From unboxing to our first laugh was about 12 minutes. This game is simple to learn, and a whole lot of fun especially with a group that doesn’t mind being a little silly.”


“Our family and friends enjoy having game nights. As such, we are always willing to try new games. Stringamajig is a ‘Charades variant’ in the vein of Pictionary or Win, Lose or Draw, but with a loop of string instead of pencil and paper.”


“This is a really fun game. Will bring hours of family fun. It’s different than so many other board, card or trivia games — the string adds a whole different dimension that is a blast.”


Need an ice breaker before your next online meeting? With video chats being commonplace, the game maker suggests groups of 4 to 10 players can play remotely if they also own Stringamajig.


Ready to play? Shop online at Fireside Games at For those that like to walk the aisles of their neighborhood stores, click on Fireside Games’ website and enter a zip code. Toy and specialty shops carrying Fireside Games closest to you will be listed!