Events News

14th Annual Blue Plate Media Lounge at New York Toy Fair on Monday, October 2, 2023

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The 14th Annual Blue Plate Media Lounge, at New York Toy Fair, sponsored by Blue Plate Media Services, in association with Toy Association, will be available free to all Toy Association exhibitors and Show attendees, on Monday, October 2nd, Room 1D05, at New York Toy Fair. This highly anticipated educational lounge, commemorating its consecutive 14th Year, will provide a series of timely, informative Media Intelligence Sessions in Room 1D05, lower level Javits, from 9AM – 4PM.


Registered visitors can escape the show floor to learn hands-on, insider tips, from toy industry media executives about strategic media planning, media trends, challenges and how to talk to today’s kids in the metaverse. Underwritten by Blue Plate Media Services, and The Toy Association, this year’s two keynote sessions will be a highlight and a must-attend for all serious youth marketers. Register in advance to attend the sessions.


SESSION 1: 10AM – 11AM The Trends, Tools & Tactics To Win At Kids Media

Insights & Visibility into What Works and Why (What every toy marketer needs to know)

Presented by David Becker, President, BPMS & Tim Jones, Senior Media Director, BPMS


· How to build a more effective media plan while navigating the children’s media marketplace.

· The importance of the media mix – how to maximize the multi-channel multiplier

· The BPMS leadership team will present trends, facts, and media plan executions that will better your bottom line.

· Youth marketers will come away with actionable steps to improve return on investment from media.


In this complimentary, jam-packed, 45-minute session, you will look under the hood of today’s media mix to understand the What, Why & How to drive a winning media campaign – hosted by the leading kid and family agency who has defined brands through measurable, cross-screen media. Gain an insider’s view on how to realign your media dollars in today’s new media world.


SESSION 2: 12PM – 1PM How to Talk to Kids Today: Navigating Children’s Brand Experiences, Innovation & Responsibility in the Metaverse


Chat with Dona Fraser, SVP of Privacy Initiatives at BBB National Programs & Lead at CARU (Children’s Advertising Review Unit); Moderated by David Becker, President, BPMS


With the recently formed Metaverse Working Group, comprised of industry professionals from toy, gaming, food, streaming, and mobile brands popular with children, CARU will share robust guidance for online advertising, privacy, and child safety in virtual realms.


· Join Dona Fraser in this fireside chat to learn more about how brands can create meaningful experiences for children and navigate the metaverse responsibly while continuing to entertain, inform, and innovate.

· The metaverse poses unique challenges in the evolving virtual world, especially when it comes to children. Understand best practices to ensure responsible and positive interactions for brands, marketers, and the regulatory community.

· CARU, with 50 years of experience in children’s advertising and privacy regulations, and the first FTC-approved Safe Harbor, breaks down complex issues in the children’s space.


Following this timely jam-packed media session on how to talk to kids today, chat one-on-one with Dona as she presents a candid, foundational talk on Kid privacy rules and regulations in today’s digital world. Learn how to effectively and responsibly engage with kids today in the metaverse. Bring your questions and concerns. Pre-registration is required to attend.


Session 3: 2PM – 4PM Media Expert’s Table


Pull up a chair for a one-on-one with media industry experts on today’s relevant media platforms that matter.


Those who should attend Blue Plate Media Lounge include toy marketers, Marketing Directors, Media Directors, and media professionals tasked with the responsibility of advertising toy products to the consumer. To register to attend the 14th Annual Blue Plate Media Lounge, Click to Register, email; or call 908-918-0202.